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Upcoming events
August 20, 2024

ATAC-seq and enhancers free webinar

The next Coffee break with TRANSFAC will be held on August 20th at 10 AM CEST. Leave your question for the upcoming event or receive event joining link to your email address. See you soon!

July 9, 2024

Release 2024.1

The next Coffee break with TRANSFAC will be held on July 9th at 10 AM CEST. Leave your question for the upcoming event or receive event joining link to your email address. See you soon!

July 4, 2024

geneXplain release 2024.1

New release of the geneXplain products – check all new features here!

June 18-21, 2024

GlioResolve consortium meeting and training is coming up. GeneXplain will give two lectures: (1) ML and AI in cancer research and (2) From DNA motifs to networks and drug targets. Check out how this project is developing the new TME-targeting precision medicine platform aiming to build the basis for fighting such complicated pathology as glioblastoma.