news 2015

October 21-23, 2015


Dr. Olga Kel-Margoulis, geneXplain’s Director Applied Life Science Informatics, talks at the Omics School in Athens, Greece, organized by the EU project Neurinox.

October 15-16, 2015


Dr. Alexander Kel co-organizes PathProt-8 in Oeiras, Portugal.

July 09-10, 2015

GeneXplain provides competence training on “Systems Biology of Promoters” at the Technical University Braunschweig.

June 09, 2015


Prof. Edgar Wingender talks about “Pitfalls in the automatic generation of binding motifs – the Fos case” at the BC2 workshop “Beyond Position weight matrices – towards next generation tools for predicting protein-DNA interactions”.

April 22, 2015


Alexander Kel, CSO of geneXplain, was instructor at the course “Promoter hunting and systems modelling of cellular pathways” in Oeiras, Portugal.

March 18, 2015


CSO Alexander Kel talked about “Walking pathways, cancer and evolution” at the VIII Moscow International Congress on Biotechnology.

March 2015


GeneXplain plaform release 3.1 is out and provides a bunch of new, exciting functions.

February 25-26, 2015


E. Wingender and A. Kel lectured about bioinformatics in Grodno, Belarus.
