Report examples
You can view various analysis report examples generated by Genome Enhancer on the basis of different omics input data types and various origins of the studied pathologies:
- Colorectal Cancer (Personalized patient data) — Genomics, VCF
- MTB (Molecular Tumor Board) report example for colorectal cancer patient — Genomics, VCF
- Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (GSE32424) — Transcriptomics, FASTQ
- IFN-alpha induction (GSE31193) — Transcriptomics, LogFC Table
- Lung cancer, treatment by TGF (ST000010) — Metabolomics, Table
- Osteosarcoma, neoplasm metastasis (GSE66789) — Transcriptome + Proteome, RNA-seq + Mass-spec proteomics
- Ovarian cancer, cisplatin-resistance (GSE15709) — Transcriptomics + Epigenomics, CEL + BED
- SNP associated with Diabetes Mellitus — Genomics, SNP list
- Parkinson disease, induced a-Syn expression in SH-SY5Y cells (GSE145804) — Transcriptomics, LogFC Table
- Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (NCI-H1975) — Genomics, VCF
- MTB (Molecular Tumor Board) report example for non-small cell lung carcinoma (NCI-H1975) — Genomics, VCF
- Hypertension (GSE157131) — Epigenomics, cg lists
You are also very welcome to view or download the Genome Enhancer flyer.