Wish come true

Let’s make your bioinformatics data analysis

wish come true



This session has already ended. Its video record is available on this page, as well as further Coffee break with TRANSFAC sessions info.
Stay tuned to our news for information on next “Coffee break with TRANSFAC” sessions


Bioinforamtics Q&A session - coffee break with TRANSFAC




Season’s greeting from geneXplain!

New Year time is when we all wait for our wishes to come true.

We decided to invest into your New Year wish list realization and are excited to announce a New Year present from our CEO Dr. Alexander Kel to all the researchers out there who need consultations on their omics data analysis tasks and plans.



You can ask questions on bioinformatics data analysis in the areas of gene regulation, pathway analysis, identification of prospective drug targets and biomarkers, and precision medicine – all these are the areas of knowledge where Dr. Kel is a renowned expert in.

Here are some example questions you can submit in the form below to consult on them with Alexander:

– How can I identify prospective biomarkers for early detection of colorectal cancer? Is gene expression data from tumor and healthy tissue enough for performing such analysis? Will proteomics data obtained from the tumor samples give additional advantage for the analysis?
– How can I find out how my gene set is regulated in the skeletal muscle tissue?
– How can I identify in which pathways genes upregulated in my experiment play an important role? Can I check whether they are involved in nervous system development?
– How many TF binding sites are there in the human genome? How many pathways? 


And so on. Bring in all your bioinformatics data analysis uncertainties and Alexander will help you out to solve them.

Leave us your bioinformatics data analysis question in the form below and the top-level bioinformatician and systems biologist Dr. Alexander Kel will consult you absolutely for free, either in a written form in a reply email, or at our online masterclass that will be held on January 17th 2023 at 11 AM CET.



What to ask Alexander about?

Alexander is the top-level expert in the area of gene regulation. If you are curious to find out how a gene or a gene set of your interest is regulated in some conditions, Alexander will for sure help you out with that.

Alexander is also an expert in network and pathway analysis and in reconstruction of molecular mechanisms of any studied processes. Whether it is some pathology that you are studying, or stem cell research, or organism growth and development – Alexander can help you out with all that at the top level of competence.

Submit your questions in the form above and wait for Alexander’s reply in January!


Selected questions will be discussed live at free online masterclass on bioinformatics data analysis that will be held on January 17th 2023 at 11 AM CET. If you can’t join us live at that time, you can request a video record from us via info@genexplain.com


We wish all of you great success in your research in the year 2023. Let all your studies be fruitful.
Happy New Year!


Happy New Year 2023

