Here are videos about “RNA-seq preprocessing with the geneXplain platform”
Here is a playlist about “RNA-seq data analysis from FASTQ files to master regulators with geneXplain platform”
PART1: RNA-seq data analysis from FASTQ files to master regulators
PART2: RNA-seq data analysis from FASTQ files to master regulators
PART3: RNA-seq data analysis from FASTQ files to master regulators
PART4: RNA-seq data analysis from FASTQ files to master regulators
PART5: RNA-seq data analysis from FASTQ files to master regulators
Find below a compilation of our introductory and tutorial videos
In English Language
This video is a general introduction to the geneXplain® platform. (3:21 min)
This video is about how to convert gene identifiers from Ensembl to others in the geneXplain platform. (3:02 min)
This video is about how to annotate a gene table with the geneXplain platform. (2:57 min)
In Chinese Language
This video is a general introduction to the geneXplain® platform; it introduces you to different workflows. (1:38 min)
It shows you how to register a free platform account and to login. The audio-visual also introduces you to the look and feel of the geneXplain® platform interface. (4:11 min)
This video demonstrates how to upload raw data from an experiment to the geneXplain® platform for further analysis. (2:46 min)
In this video microarray data is used as an example to show you how to further analyze data from high-throughput experiments on the geneXplain® platform. (6:45 min)