Major features
New workflows
- A new set of workflows is summarized under the start page button Metabolism
- Flux balance analysis to identify enzymes, reactions and metabolites including clustering and mapping of flux data
- Enriched upstream analysis (TRANSFAC® and TRANSPATH®)
- Focused upstream analysis (TRANSFAC® and TRANSPATH®)
- Upstream analysis with feedback loop (TRANSFAC® and TRANSPATH®) indicates master regulators with expression values (fold changes) from the input set
- Identify enriched motifs in tissue specific tracks (TRANSFAC®)
- Cross-species identification of enriched motifs in promoters
- Cross-species mapping to ontologies
New and updated databases
- Human Metabolic Reaction (HMR): HMR2 contains 3.765 genes associated with over 8.000 reactions and over 3.000 unique metabolites.
- Human metabolism global reconstruction (Recon 2): The most comprehensive representation of human metabolism that is applicable to computational modeling
- Integration of the latest TRANSFAC® and TRANSPATH® versions (releases 2019.3)
- HOmo sapiens COmprehensive MOdel COllection (HOCOMOCO): This database provides transcription factor (TF) binding models for 601 human and 396 mouse TFs, partially based on TRANSFAC.
- Reactome database has been updated to version 63.
- Integration of new Ensembl versions (Release 96), Ensembl Homo sapiens (hg38), Ensembl Mus musculus (mm10), Ensembl Rattus norvegicus (rn6)
New methods
Subread – aligns DNA- and RNA-seq reads
Subjunc – exon–exon junctions
featureCounts – counting of reads
exactSNP – SNPs for individual samples
Limma voom – Differential expression analysis
Guided limma – Linear model analysis
HISAT2 – Fast and sensitive alignment tool
HTseq Count – reads mapping for each feature
HTseq QA – Quality report for reads
EdgeR – Empirical Analysis of Digital Gene Expression Data in R
Plotting – Pie and bar charts
Tree map – Reduce functional classification terms
Get miRNA targets
miRNA feed forward loops
Analyze miRNA target enrichment