Key features

Enzyme and enzyme-ligand information is obtained from different sources, combined with flexible query systems and evaluation tools.
The data are acquired by manual extraction from primary literature, text and data mining, data integration, and prediction algorithms.
The manually derived core contains >3 million data points about >77,000 enzymes annotated from >150,000 publications.
BRENDA comprises molecular data from more than 30,000 organisms.
Each entry is linked to its publication source and the organism of origin. The entries are supplemented by information on occurrence, enzyme / disease relationships from text mining, sequences and 3D structures from other databases, and predicted enzyme location and genome annotation.
The human anatomy atlas CAVEman is linked to the BRENDA Tissue Ontology terms connecting functional enzyme data with their anatomical location.
Word Maps for enzymes generated from PubMed abstracts highlight application and scientific relevance of enzymes.
The EnzymeDetector genome annotation tool and the reaction database BKM-react including reactions from BRENDA, KEGG and MetaCyc.
BRENDA is the most comprehensive information repository on enzymes with 8,149 EC numbers (January 2021).  Thereof  7,787 EC numbers are considered active while others are preliminary or retired and just kept for documentary purpose.
  • SBML output
  • Web-services
  • More detailed statistics can be obtained here.