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The results of Genome Enhancer analysis, contained in any of the reports produced by this pipeline, are intended for research use only and should not be used for medical or professional advice. GeneXplain GmbH makes no guarantee of the comprehensiveness, reliability or accuracy of the information contained in the reports generated by Genome Enhancer.

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The scientific analysis underlying the Genome Enhancer reports employs a complex analysis pipeline which uses geneXplain’s proprietary Upstream Analysis approach, integrated with TRANSFAC® and TRANSPATH® databases maintained and exclusively distributed worldwide by geneXplain GmbH. The pipeline and the databases are updated to the best of geneXplain’s knowledge and belief, however, geneXplain GmbH shall not give a warranty as to the characteristics or to the content and any of the results produced by Genome Enhancer. Moreover, any warranty concerning the completeness, up-to-dateness, correctness and usability of Genome Enhancer information and results produced by it, shall be excluded.

The results produced by Genome Enhancer, including the analysis reports, severely depend on the quality of input data used for the analysis. It is the responsibility of Genome Enhancer users to check the input data quality and parameters used for running the Genome Enhancer pipeline.

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