
Integrated promoter and pathway (“upstream”) analysis lays at the core of our approach to analyzing changes in gene or protein signatures in a cell as a consequence, for example, of disease pathogenesis. To reveal the full power of the platform and the upstream analysis, we recommend to apply it together with the databases TRANSFAC® and TRANSPATH®.
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The geneXplain platform is designed to ease the life of the bioinformatics expert who is in charge to evaluate experimental high-throughput data, but also effectively supports the experimental researcher to interpret his/her valuable data with an intuitive user interface. You are cordially invited to learn more about the geneXplain platform.
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The gold standard in the field of transcriptional regulation. This database comprises a unique collection of information about transcription factors (TFs), their genomic binding sites and binding site models (positional weight matrices), suitable for search for new TF binding sites. Learn more about the TRANSFAC database.