Key features

About more than 53,000 proteins and 5390 microRNAs.
Gene-disease assignments
More than 141,900 extracted from original scientific literature and evaluated by experts, referring to more than 3,900 diseases (human) or disease models (mouse).
Drug-protein interactions
More than 55,800 and referring to more than 9,900 drugs.
Gene Ontology (GO)
More than 603,000 assignments to GO, manually annotated and quality-checked.
Gene expression
More than 1,983,500  assignments.
More than 1,132,800 annotation statements given.
Peer-reviewed publications
More than 396,800 references to scientific publications provided.
Ontology Browser
An integrated tool supports easy selection of defined sets of gene/molecules.
Functional Analysis
A tool allows identification of shared characteristics in a set of genes/proteins or miRNAs.