Workflow management

Sequential launching of particular analysis modules can be saved as a graphically represented workflow. Modules are shown as purple rectangles, and outputs of each step serve as inputs into the next analysis step. A workflow that is specific for a given data set can be easily constructed by drag and drop of the required analysis modules. In addition, Java scripts and R scripts can be added directly within the platform, for more specific requirements of the analysis.
The picture shows a small workflow for the gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of using four different ontologies: Gene Ontology (GO) Biological Process, GO Cellular Compartment, GO Molecular Function, and Reactome's functional assignments (see on the right side). The larger light blue boxes are analysis functions (program modules, "Bricks"). Green boxes stand for input files, especially user-defined inputs. Yellow boxes represent automatic delivery or output files. A workflow can be intuitively designs by simple drag-and-drop of the constituents and graphically connecting them.

Workflow management in the geneXplain platform. (Click image to see the complete picture).

See demo workflows for a collection of executable workflows: no registration required!
