Key publications for pathway analysis
Stegmaier P., Voss N., Meier T., Kel A., Wingender E., Borlak J. (2011) Advanced computational biology methods identify molecular switches for malignancy in an EGF mouse model of liver cancer. PLoS ONE
Stegmaier P., Krull M., Voss N., Kel A., Wingender E. (2010) Molecular mechanistic associations of human diseases. BMC Syst. Biol.
Zubarev R.A., Nielsen M.L., Fung E.M., Savitski M.M., Kel-Margoulis O., Wingender E., Kel A. (2008) Identification of dominant signaling pathways from proteomics expression data. J. Proteom.
Michael H., Hogan J., Kel A., Kel-Margoulis O., Schacherer F., Voss N., Wingender E. (2008) Building a knowledge base for systems pathology. Brief. Bioinform.
Kel A., Voss N., Jauregui R., Kel-Margoulis O., Wingender E. (2006) Beyond microarrays: Find key transcription factors controlling signal transduction pathways. BMC Bioinformatics