What are Transcription factors
What are Transcription factors?
About transcription
Let’s quickly review the transcription process before delving into the details of transcription factors. Transcription is the process of creating RNA from DNA and involves the use of enzymes called RNA polymerase and transcription factors. Transcription factors help the RNA polymerase bind to the promoter region of the gene and initiate the transcription process. In eukaryotes, the different types of RNA polymerases (I, II and III; two more in plant cells) are responsible for producing different types of RNA (1).
All three RNA polymerases require additional factors for specific promoter recognition (2). General transcription factors like TFIIA, TFIIB, TFIID, TFIIE, TFIIF, etc combine with RNA-polymerase II and the TATA box to initiate transcription at the transcription start site (TSS). Since many of them are multisubunit proteins, the pre-initiation transcription complex is a group of altogether 45 individual polypeptides assembled.
How do transcription factors operate?
In eukaryotic cells, transcription factors are nuclear proteins that associate with regulatory genome regions (promoters, enhancers and silencers), in most cases by binding to short DNA sequences of 5-25 base pairs (2).
TFs direct the RNA polymerase to the correct start site of transcription in a cell type and cell stage-specific way, frequently responding to extracellular stimuli. Most TFs bind to DNA in a somewhat relaxed sequence-specific way, thereby encoding the regulatory signals of the genome.
The function of TFs is to regulate − turn on or off − genes in order to make sure that they are expressed in the desired cells at the right time and in the right amount throughout the life of the cell and the organism (3).
Transcription factors may serve as disease biomarkers. According to the HumanPSD database (a manually curated database about diseases, biomarkers, pathways and drugs; release 2022.2 https://genexplain.com/humanpsd), transcription factors are proven to play an important role in close to 1600 diseases (4):
· A total of 664 transcription factors are identified to play a role in various skin diseases;
· Likewise close to 589 transcription factors are directly and indirectly involved in breast neoplasms;
· Approximately 500 transcription factors are responsible for various immune-related diseases.
General structure of transcription factors
Most transcription factors bind directly to DNA. If we look at the structure of a typical transcription factor, we recognize 4 major domains:
1) The DNA-binding domain: The main function of this domain is to recognize the cis-regulatory elements of the promoter.
2) Dimerization domain: Many TFs form homo or hetero dimers and the kind of these dimers regulate the DNA-binding specificity.
3) Regulatory domain: Some TFs need a regulatory domain to become active.
4) Trans-activation domain (TAD): This domain is responsible to activate transcription, it contains binding sites for other proteins such as transcription co-regulators or to components of the transcription initiation complex, which helps in transcription activation. In general, for most factors, these domains are acidic domains, glutamine-rich domains, proline-rich domains, or isoleucine-rich domains.
Classification of transcription factors:
Transcription factors can be classified based on their DBDs. This is helpful in many ways:
(1) to establish a classification system for this important group of proteins
(2) to find a clue to decipher the protein DNA-recognition code
(3) to elucidate the evolutionary history of TFs
(4) to derive computational models for these DBDs that help identify orthologous TFs encoded by newly sequenced genomes and, thus, establish TF catalogs for these species.
Previous studies by Suzuki and Yagi (5) have proven that the protein-DNA recognition code is class specific and hence a comprehensive classification is required.
E. Wingender et al. (6, 7, 8) have done immense work to classify transcription factors. Inspired by the enzyme catalog a 4-level taxonomy was proposed (6) for TF classification. It comprises the ranks of superclass, class, family, and sub-family of the DNA binding domains.
Superclasses are defined according to the general topology of the DBD and the principal mode of interacting with DNA. The general blueprint of the DBD i.e it’s folding and the way how it establishes the DNA interacting interface defines the class (9). So far nine super classes have been identified, comprising 40 classes and 111 families. Counted by genes, 1558 human TFs have been classified so far, or >2900 different TFs when including their isoforms generated by alternative splicing or protein processing events (8).
Among the nine super classes of defined DBDs, by far the largest is Superclass 2 (zinc-coordinating DBDs) to which 53% of all TF genes belong to, followed by helix-turn-helix (26%) and basic domain factor genes (11%). These three super classes have in common that an α-helix is exposed in such a way that it binds into the major groove of the DNA.
The complete link to the classification at all levels of all human transcription factors with free access to TRANSFAC factor entries can be found here.
The TRANSFAC database
As standard resource for (eukaryotic) transcription factors and their genomic interactions, the TRANSFAC database provides the relevant information (10). Besides of its encyclopedic value, its comprehensive library of positional weights matrices (PWMs) is used by a bunch of computational tools to predict potential TF binding sites in genomes and to put them into the proper biological context. The most advanced software in this regard is the MATCH Suite (11).
1) Carter, R., Drouin, G. (2009) Structural differentiation of the three eukaryotic RNA polymerases. Genomics 94, 388-396. doi: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2009.08.011
2) Matsui, T., Segall, J., Weil, P.A., Roeder, R.G. (1980) Multiple factors required for accurate initiation of transcription by purified RNA polymerase II. J. Biol. Chem. 255, 11992-11996
3) Adcock, I.M., Caramori, G. (2009) Transcription Factors, Editor(s): Peter J. Barnes, Jeffrey M. Drazen, Stephen I. Rennard, Neil C. Thomson, Asthma and COPD (Second Edition), Chapter 31, Academic Press, p. 373-380, ISBN 9780123740014
5) Suzuki, M., Yagi, N. (1994) DNA recognition code of transcription factors in the helix-turn-helix, probe helix, hormone receptor, and zinc finger families. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 12357-12361. doi: 10.1073/pnas.91.26.12357
6) Wingender, E. (1997) Classification scheme of eukaryotic transcription factors. Mol. Biol. Engl. Tr. 31, 498-512
7) Wingender, E., Schoeps, T., Dönitz, J. (2013) TFClass: An expandable hierarchical classification of human transcription factors, Nucleic Acids Res. 41, D165-D170
8) Wingender, E., Schoeps, T., Haubrock, M., Dönitz, J. (2015) TFClass: a classification of human transcription factors and their rodent orthologs, Nucleic Acids Res. 43, D97–D102
9) Wingender, E. (2013) Criteria for an updated classification of human transcription factor DNA-binding domains. J. Bioinform. Comput. Biol. 11, 1340007